This is on overview of the world, Eirda.
Here is a color coded version of the map to more easily distinguish the different regions. Those regions are mostly split by racial/cultural territories. That's not to say that any races or other cultures aren't allowed in the others. Here's a brief summary of each:
This is the human home coninent. Most D&D veterans will feel most at home here. The area is very diverse. Some countries will feel familiar while others will be very different and unique.
This is the second home to the Elves. They are originally from Dolsantyral. The elves of Andunyl are called Dunyl. Most elves in Canascus come from here.
Here is the homeland of the Halflings. They once competed for the region known as Andunyl with the orcs of Jahr'ghuul, but gave the land to Dolsan refugees.
-Juthina Islands-
Some Halfling left Illibasca and settled here. The halflings of Juthina are a very mistrusting bunch. They are very good at being unnoticed and often bear to very elusive assassins. Many people pay top dollar for Juthina assassins.
The Orcs of this region have been at war with the halflings for a very long time. The Orcs are very barbaric and love picking on the small halflings of Illibasca. Now with the elves in between the Orcs and the Halflings, they have since switched targets.
-The Freihmahnd-
The name of this land translates to "The Freeland" in the language of the Eordkhun, the dwarves, that inhabit it. They bought this land from the Gnomes of Darmosq as they left the region now known as The Bharazadh Empire.
Gnomes own the land here. They are a merry people and love to barter. There is very little they wouldn't sell at the right price.
The Ogres that live in Khrokuct are more civilized than most people believe. They are a more spiritual people, but are often mistook as monsters because of their intimidating height. Ogres are lean and stand at an impressive average height of 7'8"
-The Bharazadh Empire-
There was once many Eordkhun clans here but they all either were absorbed, crushed, or they fled. They were at war with the countries of Dazuka for taking refugees. Now these dwarves renamed themselves Bharakhun.
This region is akin to our Asian countries like China and Japan. Sometimes players like to include these regions in their table-top RPGs, so I thought I'd give them that option as well. They retain some animosity towards the Eordkhun.
-The Pirate Islands-
Many Eordkhun that fled south in to Dazuka unfortunately brought the Bharazadh Empire on their heels and it led to war between Bharazadh and Dazuka. The Dazukans then banished the dwarf refugees to the sea on boats. These Eordkhun had nothing and resorted to piracy in order to survive.
Dark skinned humans call these lands their home. They are very spiritual and nomadic.
Troll territory. Troll society is pretty diverse. There are some very civil regions that trade and barter with the Ramiuwan and other regions; and there are some whom are barbaric and fight with the Goblins of Grishkam.
Goblins from Grishkam tend to hate all trolls, even if not all are bad. But the goblins hold a deep grudge anyway. They are often very territorial and violent and often seek money as brutal mercenaries.
All elves originated from here, the natives are called the Dolsan. Spirituality is a big part of their culture; they believe in balance between light and dark. This duality is represented by the twin elf gods, Dolsa and Aslod. They are often attacked by the Keldavan.
These elves are more brutal and violent then the Dolsan. The Keldavan worship Aslod whom represents the dark half of the elf duality. They resent the Dolsan for worshiping both gods equally.
-Tiinzobul - Xarika - Dajawek -
These 3 areas are mostly uncharted and many don't travel to these lands. There are sometimes many expeditions sent to these areas for discovery.
-Artazahk - Antz'vildarin -
The polar caps of the planet. Many don't travel to these regions for few can stand the cold, but who knows what lies here.
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